Here's The Dish!

Welcome to my website! I aim to provide my followers and fellow college students with some yummy, healthy, low budget recipes. I will also list ways to save money but also slim your waist!
No one wants to add the infamous college 10, 20 pounds!

Lets start cooking and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dark Chocolate Fondue

Oh. M. G. Watch out people, this stuff should be called Dark Chocolate Fon-die! Literally this is chocolate to die for. So here is the story, I got this fondue maker two years ago. TWO YEARS AGO, and I have been just dying to use it. So when I planned this date night in "Spa and Fondue Night", I knew that fondue had to be on the menu.

As I mentioned in my earlier posts I planned a date night in for Jason and I last night. I wanted to do something creative, fun, and economical. We all know that dates can get pretty pricey these days when you factor in drinks, meals, dessert, movies or whatever you do. So I made dinner. I knew that I wanted to use my fondue maker for some delectable so the appetizer and main course was a lighter meal, on the healthy side so we could indulge in some dark chocolate slap-yo-mama good fondue.

So surprise your honey next date night with this ooey-gooey-deliciousy-delicious fondue dippin' fun! BUT before you go and by yourself a fondue maker, stop you can use the good ol' fashion stove top or "cookin' range" like we call it here in Texas! I do recommend getting yourself a fondue maker though someday, they are just good fun had by all!

Dark Chocolate yumminess!

Okay, okay. Here's what ya need:


1 12oz bag of Dark Chocolate
1 8oz thing of Heavy Cream
1/2 Tablespoon Almond or Vanilla Extract (Check variations below)
Shake or two of some cinnamon

Dipping Ideas:

Graham Crackers


1) Place the cream in your fondue maker or pot (if using a pot, I recommend doing a double boil or placing the heat on low).
2) Wait for the cream to start to slowly bubble NOT boil.
3) Add dark chocolate, almond extract, and cinnamon.
4) Mix with a spoon.
5) Get your skewers and the things you wanna dip, and dip a way my friends!


Instead of almond extract use: Baileys and Cream, Orange Extract, or Mint Extract (experiment-- its all part of the fun!)

Delicious. I could barely snap a picture before we started chowing down!

Nom nom nom
I love this man. The BEST part of this date was that we stayed in our Pj's HEAVEN!

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