Here's The Dish!

Welcome to my website! I aim to provide my followers and fellow college students with some yummy, healthy, low budget recipes. I will also list ways to save money but also slim your waist!
No one wants to add the infamous college 10, 20 pounds!

Lets start cooking and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mint Chocolate Popcorn

"Ready for the Close Up"


Many of you know that I am a HUGE mint lover. Anything mint I am alllll over. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (Bluebell of course), mint peppermint patties... heck, I only go to Olive Garden for the Ande's Mints... (Cats out of the bag...) So this little mint mixture of pure deliciousness, I was able to whip up in about five minutes! Perfect for a movie night in with the boyfriend, girlfriend, family, or friends!


8 Ande's Mints
1TBS Unsweetened Almond Milk
2-3 Cups of Organic Popcorn (or whatever you have)


1) Pop your popcorn, this should take about 2 and a half minutes.
2) As your popcorn is popping unwrap your Ande's Mints and place in a microwaveable safe bowl.
3) Beep! Popcorn is done. Take it out. Place mints in the microwave for 20 second intervals. Stir in between. This should only take 2-3 intervals.
4) Add your unsweetened almond milk.
5) Mixxxxxx together.
6) Pour over your popcorn (make sure to take out any kernels-- save your teeth people.) And toss like you are tossing a salad.
7) Pop in a movie, snuggle up and enjoy this deliciousness!

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